Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Indication for surgical intervention in head truama

Epidural hematoma :

  1. hematoma larger than 30 ml
  2. midline shift >= 5 mm  
Subdural hematoma (serious and worse)
i-regardless GCS
  1. hematoma larger than 1 cm
  2. midline shift >=5 mm 
ii-all patients with GCS less than 9 , hematoma should be evacuated and ICP monitor be instituted.

iii- if GCS > 9 and SDH < 10mm and midline shift < 5mm , surgery is indicated if 
  • GCS drops by 2 points
  • new development of assymetric or dilated fixed pupils
  • ICP> 20
  • more than 50 ml volume and less than 85 ml
  • Patients with GCS 6-8, with frontal or temporal lesion volume > 20cc with midline shift >5mm or cisternal compression.

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